
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fried Minced Pork with Mixed Vegetables


6 pieces of bak choy (cut into half)
1 cup of minced pork 
5 water chestnut (diced)
3 tbs mixed vegetable (diced)
1 tbs minced garlic
1 tbs minced shallot

1/4 cup chicken broth
1 tsp light soya sauce
some pepper and sesame oil

1. Marinade pork with light soya sauce, sugar, pepper, corn starch and little oil for 30 mins.
2. Blanch bak choy. Drain and place it around the plate in the shape of a flower.
3. Heat wok with oil, add shallots and garlic. Fry until fragrant. Add the minced pork. Fry until 1/2 cooked. Add the water chestnut and mixed vegetable. Fry for 30 seconds. Add sauce and fry until the pork is fully cooked. Dish up and place the pork in the centre of the bak choy (as indicated in the above photo).

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