
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Aloe Vera soaked in Osmanthus (桂花蜂蜜蘆薈)

We are all familiar with the benefits of using aloe vera on the skin - for rashes, cuts, bruises, sunburn and so on. But not so many people know about the health benefits of drinking and eating aloe vera. It is a great aid to detox as it helps to improve bowel regularity and decreases unfriendly bacteria and yeast in our gut. It is also full of anti-oxidants which can boost and enhance our immune system. Most important is that it adds a supply of raw material to our diet which can produce and maintain healthy skin. Together with osmanthus flower (which apparently gives you radiant skin), this easy recipe will do your skin some good. I usually make a jar and spoon out a few tablespoons a day as dessert. 


1 whole piece of aloe vera
1 tsp of osmanthus dried flowers
2 tbs honey
1/4 cup of water


1. Boil water and add the osmanthus dried flowers. Boil for 1 minute. Turn off heat and let the flower soak in the hot water for 5 mins. Mix with honey.
2. Remove skin of aloe vera and dice. Put diced aloe vera in glass jar. Pour the osmanthus honey mixture into the jar of aloe vera. Cover and leave in fridge over night. Serve.

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