
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Matcha Mango Mochi

Lately, I've become a mochi maniac because they are easy and fun to make. Plus everyone loves them. You can have fun experimenting different flavours of the mochi and filling. Tonite, I tried these matcha mochi with mango filling. I even tried putting vanilla ice cream in some. Not easy to handle ice cream filling but the taste is great. For mango and other fruit filling, as a tip, I would suggests you dice them and freeze them for a few hours before using. This can avoid the fruit getting all watery and making it messy to handle.

The recipe is basically the same as the one I used for mango coconut mochi and mango green tea mochi.

Ingredients (Makes approx. 15-18 mochi)

Glutinous rice flour 140gm
Rice flour 15 gm
Wheat starch 10 gm
Cooked glutinous rice flour 1/4 cup (you can either make it your self by toasting in a wok under low heat or buy it readily made from baking shop. I make my own because it's easy!)
Sugar 70 gm
Matcha green tea powder 1 tbs (I order my matcha online and use uji matcha)
Water 200 gm
Coconut milk 50 gm
Vegetable oil 1 tbs
Fresh mango 1/2 (diced and put in freezer for a few hours before use)


1. Sift together the glutinous rice flour, wheat starch, rice flour and matcha tea powder.
2. In a small pot, boil water and add sugar. Cook until sugar has dissolved. Add the coconut milk. Boil.
3. When the liquid starts boiling, pour liquid into the flour mixture and mix with a spatula until it forms a dough.
4. Place dough in a dish and cover with cling wrap. Steam for 15 mins. Remove wrap and let it cool until room temperature.
5. Lightly grease work table. For easier handling of the dough, wear disposable plastic gloves. Put dougn on work table and roll into long sausage shape. Using a  plastic cutter divide dough into 15-18 pieces.
6. For each piece of small dough, flatten it and put 3-4 pieces of mango and wrap the dough into a ball. Roll into the cooked glutinous rice flour. Repeat for all the 18 pieces. Brush off any excess cooked glutinous rice flour from the mochi and place them in paper cups. Serve. Refrigerate any leftovers and can keep up to 3 days. Enjoy!!

p.s. For a demo of wrapping a mochi can check out this mochi blog

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