
Monday, August 30, 2010

Congee Combo

It's so hard to find good congee that is MSG free so I prefer to have homemade congee together with this fried '粒粒' - a perfect combo.

(A) Congee with lean pork, salted egg and preserved egg


1/2 cup uncooked rice                                                                                      
$20 lean pork
1 beancurd sheet (washed) - see photo of beancurd sheet 
1 salted egg (boiled and diced)
1 preserved egg (diced)
1 small piece of dried tangerine peel (soaked. Scrap away the white inner layer with a spoon)
3 litres of water
1 tbs oil
1 tsp salt
2 dried scallops (soaked and shredded)


1. Wash the rice and mix it with oil and water. Put the rice in freezer overnight.
2. Boil some water and scald the lean pork.            
3. Boil water in big pot. When water boils, add the frozen rice, dried scallop (can also add the water used to soak the dried scallop), lean pork, beancurd sheet and eggs. Boil over medium to high heat for around 45 mins. 
4. Remove lean pork from the congee. When cool, shred the lean pork. Marinade with some sesame oil and Maggie sauce or light soya sauce. Place approximately 2 tbs of shredded lean pork in each serving bowl. Add the cooked congee to serving bowl. Can add some salt to taste. Serve.

(B) Fried 


1 cup of long green beans (washed and diced)
4 pieces of dried bean curd (diced)
1 cup of cooked fresh corn kernals
10 pieces of preserved vegetables (soaked and diced) - "CHOI PO"
2 tbs dried shrimp (soaked)

1/2 tsp chicken powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbs hoisin sauce
sesame oil


1. Heat wok with little oil and fry each ingredient (except green bean) separately. Dish up and set aside.
2. Heat wok with little oil. Fry the green bean. Add chicken powder. When almost cooked, add all other ingredients together with the hoisin sauce and salt. Fry. Add sesame oil and dish up. Serve.

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